<aside> 📌 The Physics Honors Program is for rising senior physics majors who meet the Physics Honors Program requirements listed on the form (linked below) and wish to complete a physics honors thesis. Note: This form must be submitted by no later than the end of the second week of instruction of the first semester of the thesis project (semester before last here at Cal).


Physics H195A/B - Physics Honors Thesis Research Proposal/Contract

If a physics major who is a rising senior meets the requirements listed on the form, he or she can opt to complete a physics honors thesis, which entails enrolling in H195A in your second to last semester, and H195B in your last semester. (Note: To complete the Physics Honors Program, students must also enroll in Physics 190 either the spring before or during their senior year.) To complete the Physics H195A/B form, the student should follow all instructions on the form and have their faculty advisor (who must be from the Physics Department) sign the form. Students should submit their completed forms to their physics advisor (i.e., Anna or Kathleen) either via email or in-person by the deadline specified above. Once forms are approved by the chair or head faculty advisor, physics advisors will email students their unique course number for H195A/B, and then students can enroll in the course (by the add deadline!) using that unique course number.